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Today’s poem is written using the daily prompt offered on NapoWriMo.net:

Today, I’d like you to write a poem inspired by, or in the form of, a recipe! It can be a recipe for something real, like your grandmother’s lemon chiffon cake, or for something imaginary, like a love potion or a spell.


I’ll make a recipe:

Fluffy blue muffins
and tea-in-tea-cosy
peppermint when you’re ill
Grey when you’re feeling fine

Recipes at restaurants, in cafes
that one you sent me a picture of
the one we simply stumbled on

A salad that one Antie made
guesses vital to the one we try

Grilled cheese sandwiches
tomato soup on the side

Many times noodles
with soy and sesame
Chinese cucumbers mild in brine

Florentine and Hemingway
Waffles with butter
Sugared strawberries

Yogurt with fresh fruit mixed in
French toast rolls, Nutella inside

—omelettes of the very, very puffy kind

Garlic bread and lemon pasta
topped with shrimp and crumbs
ginger ale will go nicely, right?

And oh how long we wait
for thanksgiving to come
Stuffing sprinkled with blood red seeds
Bread full of corn kernels
Cranberry sauce, too much pain
we’ll have jam—niece does it all the time.

Fried chicken on determined days
BBQ on summer eves

Pipe hot cocoa in wintry nights
with peanut butter biscuits
watching stories under our throws

Yes, I’ll make a recipe
a recipe for time
full of many recipes—
recipes yours and mine.
